The moral Hypocrisy of Youth


Those of us in positions of influence and power need to recognize the special interests of those we teach.  If we want another generation to do better, then we need to do more than simply clarify moral values.


We need to recognize that we are threatened by the simple ideals of those dependent upon us. We must allow them to uncover our moral hypocrisy. Only then can we go somewhere with today´s crucial and moral issues- we do not have all the answers. But we can offer principles and directions. Finally, we need stories-from real experiences and based on life events. It is those specifics which illustrate the principles and directions our lives are guided upon (Evidence Informed Principles).


Development of Skills through Working


Research confirms that there are right and wrong ways to developing professionals at all stages of a career. No one should be excluded, even new graduates need support, much of it at a social and emotional level in addition to conversion of academic knowledge at a practical level to be successful.


Once established as a professional, individuals who want to deepen their knowledge need to develop inter-professional relationships. This is done by stepping out of the comfort zone and meeting others whose vocabulary, workplace and career path may be unfamiliar.